Vegan Supplement Guide


This is part of a series of online nutrition guides by Jessica Kotlowitz and Nadia Mulder, Registered Dietitians and Nutritionists at The Green Dietitian. Jessica has a Masters degree in Nutrition (Msc. Nutr. Stell) and has been living a plant-based lifestyle for almost 8 years. Nadia has an Honours equivalent degree in Dietetics (Bsc. Diet. Stell) and has been living a plant-based lifestyle for 5 years. Together, they are passionate about spreading the message of the health benefits of a plant-based lifestyle and helping others to thrive on a plant-based diet using credible scientific information.


This 1-page guide covers:

  • The 5 most important nutrients that some people don’t get enough of on a plant-based diet
  • Which of these nutrients need to be supplemented and why
  • How best to supplement these nutrients (dosages, forms, times of day, etc.)
  • Available vegan supplement products on the South African market that satisfy recommended criteria for supplementing these nutrients.
  • A summary of food sources of these nutrients.



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