Vegan Nutrition Cheat Sheet


We know from research that a well-planned vegan diet is healthy and nutritionally adequate. But what does “well-planned” mean? This Cheat Sheet serves as a detailed 3-page reference guide for anyone hoping to plan a balanced vegan diet.

It includes:

  • A summary of the 9 important nutrients that require planning on a vegan diet.
  • Daily requirements for each nutrient.
  • The top local vegan food sources for each nutrient and the amounts per serving.
  • The top local supplement options for the nutrients that generally require supplementation and the amounts per supplement.
  • A summary of how to set up balanced vegan meals.
  • A general guideline for how many portions of each food group to include in your daily vegan diet to meet nutrient needs.


This is the second in a series of online nutrition guidesby Jessica Kotlowitz and Nadia Mulder, Registered Dietitians and Nutritionists. Jessica has a Masters degree in Nutrition (Msc. Nutr. Stell) and has been vegan for almost 8 years. Nadia has a Honours equivalent degree in Dietetics (Bsc. Diet. Stell) and has been vegan for over 5 years. Both are passionate about helping others to thrive on a plant-based diet using credible scientific information and a food and body neutral approach to vegan nutrition.


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